Current Weight = 294.2lbs (+2.8) ~ Starting Weight = 291.4lbs!
Week 2 begins, with a painful morning! Woke up early this morning, even before the alarm went off. Got ready, went outside into the gorgeous weather. While walking to my car I slipped on some ice, which hopefully with the + 13 temperatures today will be gone soon! My knee popped out of place when I tried to stop myself from falling. OUCH! It's a good thing that I have a specialist appointment on Wednesday. The amount of pain at that second, and for the next approximate hour is intense! Shoots right up my leg to my hip. booh!

Weigh in this week wasn't that great. Up 2.8lbs. Definitely a result of the crap last week. I'll have to get in some more exercise. I was pretty proud of myself yesterday though. Did 30mins on the treadmill, even when I didn't want to.  Pretty good, I think....

Not as good as it should be, still trying to give myself a kick in the rear! August is only 5 months away. The dress comes in June....YIKES!

Will be heading to Winnipeg tomorrow for the specialist appointment. So I won't be able to blog. Back April 7th I think. So definitely will be back to give updates on everything. My weigh-in next week will be late. I'll keep a record of what I've done, weight, etc. so I can update when I get back.

Still don't have the camera with me. I'll make the bf take some new pictures this week...

Anywho, back to work....
What a rough week! A lot of stress going around this week. Which is probably why my first week on this challenge sucked big time! Food was crappy, exercise was worse, and overall mood...BLAH! Just one of those weeks you get stuck in a 'funk' and can't pull yourself out. 

I've definitely noticed how exercise makes me feel. At the beginning of the week, I started off strong. Exercise was great, made me feel great, and made me sleep really well. The last few days, I've been lacking and I can definitely tell. My body hates me! haha. I'm tired all of the time, even if I get more than enough sleep. Quality of sleep is horrible. Overall I feel like a big pile of crap if I don't exercise. 

I'm going to try over the weekend to do 2 days of strict food, and exercise. Strict food meaning healthy choices, lots of veggies, fruits, protein, and minimal amounts of carbs. The carbs are definitely my weakness, and lately I've been indulging way too much! 

I forgot how hard it is to try to eat healthy while living with someone who chooses not to. Mostly because they don't have to. Their health is just fine, and they can eat what they want. It's so hard saying no to the snacks, carbs, goodies that beckon from the cupboards. "Eat me, you know you want to"...Well heck ya I do, but do I really want to feel like bum afterward? Stomach aches, migraines, trouble breathing....Why put myself through that??

Food is definitely my drug of choice. The road ahead has a million pot holes, and right now making it through is looking extremely difficult! I guess that's why slow and steady tends to win the race? If you go full speed down that road, you'll have no car left!

Camera is still sitting on my table....Have to take some more pictures for monday.

I'll be back next week to let you know how the weekend went. 

ta ta...
Crap! forgot my camera at home on the table again! Hopefully I'll remember to grab it at lunch time when I go home. I want to add some pics on there, before pictures of course. Maybe a few oldies if I can find some! Just for a little motivation...

The morning started off not so good, me being my usual self. The paranoid freak! I tend to stress out about things, and then come to the worst conclusions possible. Really need to work on that one though. It's definitely not helping me, that's for sure!! haha.

Got some coffee and a bagel for breakfast this morning, for a total of 730 calories. Definitely a bit high for one meal, but I enjoy it once in a while. 

TOPS meeting last night was good. Weigh-in wasn't good as I was up 3.75lbs from last weeks, but discussions were definitely the highlight. Chatted with the ladies about how I'm doing, how they're doing, etc. I know exactly how the weight came, so I wasn't surprised about the weigh-in. I chose to tell the group how much I was up, making me accountable for next week. Hopefully I can make up for it! I won't be able to weigh-in next week with them though. Have to go see a Sports Medicine Specialist for my knee issues. 

Since playing volleyball in high school and popping my knee once on a spike, I've had some issues with my knee. I'm pretty sure that my weight has something to do with it also. That's something I'm working on though. I just want to make sure that there are no major issues in there.

Talked with my old College room-mate the other day. Dang she's definitely one of those motivational people in my life. She's so athletic, and just being around her, talking to her, etc makes you want to go out and exercise! haha. She told me that he recently passed the Personal Training Certification Exam, and got a job with Gold's Gym. So Awesome! She's definitely someone I aspire to be like. Athletic, genuine, all around great person! On top of her full-time job, she's taking on a part time personal training job, AND! Training for a Dragon Boat Team. How exciting is that! A change to travel all over the world competing. She told me what they are doing for training right now....WOW! It's pretty intense. I told her that I would die...haha. I'll have to try it some day when I'm in better shape. Too bad she's so far away, I'd love to be her first client. I know she'd whoop my bum!! haha...

Wow, I'm kind of all over the place today! Back to work....
Day 3 started off fairly well this morning. Woke up fairly early, still a little tired but went through the morning rituals. Exercise has been going well, food however could be better. Had pizza last night, 2 slices which is way better than the usual 3-4. Calories were around 2000 for the day yesterday, which is in the 'maintain' range. I'm fine with that though because I need a break once in a while. Although, I should probably figure out a better plan for meals. Not planning right now isn't that great. At least if I'm prepared I won't go over on the calories. Still a work in progress!

I have been attending the TOPS group meetings weekly for a while now. Decided in January that it would be a good idea to find some local support, because I'm fairly new to town and still don't really know anyone. The meetings are every Wednesday.  I'm a little concerned about tonight's weigh-in. I don't think I'll be down this week at all. Although, I thought the same thing last week and was down 1.25lbs. I guess we'll see how it goes. I got voted in to be Leader of the group a few weeks ago, on election day. That's kind of freaking me out too right now. I'm not much of a public speaker, but I have awesome ideas for group meetings. I think it will be a good way to boost my confidence. Definitely lacking in that department! My first official meeting as Leader will be on April 14th. Kind of already have everything planned out, just have to get over the 'butterflies'...

That's all for now, might come back on later to update anything as the day goes by! haha...

The morning began with a good start, woke up before the alarm went off. Which is surprising because usually I'm fighting myself to get out of bed in the mornings. Went about the morning rituals, you know brushing of the teeth, shower, etc. Relaxed for a bit with the weather network, checking out what the weather is supposed to be like today. Insane -24 with the wind chill! Brr!! 

Then, right out of the blue, mood swing! My mood just took a 180 from good to bad, for no reason. Little weird, I'd say! I think it's because my hormones are all out of whack right now. Hopefully shedding the pounds will help my body fix itself?!?! Yikes! I feel kind of bad for everyone around me when I get like that, I know its happening but I just can't stop myself from being that way? ugh!

On another note, I did the 260 Challenge for the first time last night. My time was 6 minutes, 31 seconds. I thought I was going to die! Dang, I'm so out of shape its not even funny. I decided that I needed something to show how my fitness level has progressed, and what a better way than something like this. It's kind of like what they do on XWeighted. The fitness test that Paul makes the contestants do at the beginning of the show, and then again at the end to show how they've progressed. Lets just hope that my time drops significantly by the end of 260! That was horrible!! haha.

Have a serious craving for some bad foods this morning, but I grabbed the Multi-grain Cheerios, with some milk. Brought a yogurt tube, frozen of course, because that's the best way to eat them! mmm...and some Strawberries for snack. I've been craving salad for lunch the last few days, so I'm thinking that's what I'll go for!

Last night wasn't too bad for food choices. Dinner was late because the bf works until 7, then we decided to go for some groceries. Got back home from shopping around 9pm, at a sandwich, relaxed a bit with some CSI, and went to bed! Got my curves workout in last night too! burned 412 calories. Little low, but pretty decent since I haven't been in a while. 

Calorie count yesterday ~ definitely over 2000

Anywho, that's all for now...
Weigh in this morning was a little exciting. Down 1.6lbs since the first post March 18th. Pretty decent considering the fact that I was just going about my day without stressing too much about food. I did get exercise almost every day since then, little wii fit which I really enjoy. I find that if I don't get some form of exercise in every day I feel like a giant ball of crap! I think I'll try to incorporate more strength training into my day somehow. I don't feel like the wii fit gives me enough of that.

I have been thinking about doing weekly exercise goals/challenges. I just have to figure out exactly what it will be. I'm sure I'll have that posted in the 'food & exercise' page of my blog.

Food for breakfast this morning wasn't the greatest, stopped for McD's breakfast. Didn't have enough time this morning to prepare. I could have easily woken up a bit earlier and made something. I was lazy. No excuses, just writing everything down!

Anywho, not too much to say this morning as it's just the first day of the challenge. I'll keep you posted!
Sitting at my desk the other day, I pondered over how I could motivate myself to keep on track with this 'healthy lifestyle' I've been trying to lead since the beginning of this year. I've been consistently writing in my food journal every day. Even on those days when food isn't the greatest. I've been exercising, however that department seems to be a bit of a roller coaster. You know, with my laziness kicking in once in a while. I have been doing fairly well the last few days though. So, what did I come up with??

Well, this is it. I've started a blog. I'll be blogging almost everyday, the only days I won't will probably be weekend until I get a home computer up and running. Goals will be set. Pictures will be posted. Food journals will be logged. :s 

Seems a little scary as I sit here and write this, but I'm optimistic! 

There are a few things this year that are part of the reason for this challenge. 
~ My best friend is getting married on August 28, 2010. I'm maid of honor, and really don't want to look like crap in her wedding pictures. They're something she will have forever!
~ Two other friends from High School are getting married this year.  I haven't seen most of the people I will see at their weddings in over 3 years. I was about 60lbs lighter back then!
~ I'll be doing a lot of traveling with all of these wedding, and really don't want to be uncomfortable on the plane.
~ There are a lot more, but we'll just keep it to those for now...

Wish me luck!