Current Weight = 294.2lbs (+2.8) ~ Starting Weight = 291.4lbs!
My name is Nicole, also known by most people as Nikki. I'm 25 years old, grew up in Williamsburg, Ontario, Canada.  A small 'village' about 45 minutes south Ottawa.  I've been overweight all of my life.  In 2006, I graduated from the Architectural Technology program at Sheridan Institute of Advanced Learning, in Brampton, Ontario.  Almost immediately after graduation I decided I needed a change.  So, I hopped on a plane for the very first time, and headed to Edmonton, Alberta.  I lived and worked there for just over 2 years.  June 2009, I decided that it was time for another change and took a job offer in Northern Manitoba.

While in Edmonton, my weight escalated to a whopping 316lbs. I'm currently sitting at 293lbs as of this morning.  It seems like I have wanted to change my lifestyle all my life.  I've had many dieting attempts, and somehow they never really get me to that final goal.  You see, I'm a bit of a procrastinator, I tend to be lazy, and I'm a definitely afraid of the unknown. Not only do I WANT change, I NEED change. So in this 25th year of my life, I have decided to challenge myself.

The second quarter of my life has begun. It's the time for Health, Wealth, and Happiness. These things come easy for some, and for others not so much. I'm a member of the 'others' group, so if I want these things I have to work for them.

Live to learn, not to regret!

I'm DONE feeling like I'm just wearing a giant FAT suit. This is the year that the zipper breaks free, and the slimmer, sexier me is revealed.

I'm DONE doing diets. This is the year to eat right, and make lifestyle changes.

I'm DONE putting others before me. This is My Year! 

I hope that you'll follow along with me on this journey. Hopefully we can help motivate each other!